20km Circuit

Saturday October 5th  2023 – 10.00am – 2.00pm

Following the Route of the Arapiles Big Sky Bike Trail, this option avoids roads and is mainly along soft gravel paths.  Unsuitable for bikes with narrow road tyres, the Trail has some beautiful scenic points and photo opportunities. Pedal-assisted E-Bikes are welcome on the 20Km. Circuit.

50km Circuit

Saturday October 5th  2023  9.00am – 2.00pm

For the rider who is just getting into the sport.  Might be a first timer to this sort of event.  Riding 50 Kilometres will be a real challenge, something to train up to.  For them, the view of Mt Arapiles goal will be visible from Natimuk. After past the ‘Mount’ they continue to the scenic farming locality of Grass Flat, towards the Little Desert at Cooak and then back to Natimuk via Lake Road. Pedal-assisted E-Bikes are welcome on the 50Km Circuit.

75km Circuit

Saturday October 5th  2023  9.00am – 2.00pm

As requested by our regular Riders, the 75Km Circuit has been added for the Rider who has completed the 50Km and wanting to stretch their ability.

The addition of the Arapiles ‘Clock around the Rock’ gives the 75Km Riders the opportunity to circumnavigate and view Arapiles from a variety of angles.  After this, the 75Km Riders head to Grass Flat with everyone else.  REST STOPS at Centenary Park (Arapiles) and Grass Flat Fire Station

100km Circuit

Saturday October 5th 2023  8.00am – 2.00pm

For the rider who regularly attends such events and enjoys ‘clocking up the Ks’ with friends, for whom 100 Kilometres is a pleasant days ride and who enjoys riding at a reasonable clip with the right gear to do it.   Seeing a large slab of the local landscape, avoiding the major highways and achieving a good time may be goals to attain.